Daniel Truong is a middle school boy trying to learn as much as possible. He is a kind person with a warm heat, but sometimes being a little selfish and a bit too ambitious. He loves animals(his favorite being the german shepherd dog, but loves dogs in general), puzzles, and sports. His hobbies include playing tennis, ping pong, swimming, rock climbing, and video games with his family which he dearly loves. He has a loving family that supports him a lot in many different ways, too many to list. He has many friends whom help him through though times, one of which is his brother. His brother is a kind, funny and caring person that mostly does everything with him. He plays an instrument called the viola which he switched to from the violin. During the summer of 2017 he went to the Young Writers Camp to enhance his digital writing skills. He hopes to be an amazing writer after the camp and hopes to grow up to be scientist.
Really nice bio! All the things you said are a great part of you and your life and I agree with some of the things such as liking dogs! :)